Monday, April 26, 2021

Psychedelic Violence Volume 1 released!

After too damn long, Psychedelic Violence Volume 1 is finally complete! Psychedelic Violence is a fanzine history of visual-kei, a uniquely Japanese musical movement that pairs punk, glam, and goth rock sounds with amazing and sometimes over the top aesthetics. I've been working on the conceptual bones of this project off and on since about 2013 and decided in 2019 to convert it over to a quarterly(ish) zine format and share it with the world!

This inaugural issue is 40 pages of narrative history, photos, album reviews and more, tracing the genre's inception from 1982 to 1991, starting with Boowy and the ensuing '80s "band craze", the advent of Japanese goth, the emergence of VK pioneers X and Buck-Tick and their rise to stardom, and concluding with the debut of Luna Sea. 

The zine comes with an accompanying cassette mixtape so you can follow along on your stereo, and also includes download instructions for a digital version of the mixtape and for loads of other bonus content.

If you're here because you ordered the zine, thanks for reading! If you have any comments, questions, corrections, or have a submission for any future issues, shoot me a line at psyvifanzine (at) Stay tuned for updates on Volume 2 (1992-1993), which should be released later this summer. I'll be posting about my progress as it happens.
If you're looking for a copy of the first issue, you can send me an email at the above address or slide into my DMs on Insta @psyvifanzine and we'll work out how to get it into your hot little hands. I've also set up a BigCartel shop where you can get issues, but contacting me directly will save you $0.50 an issue since I won't be paying processing fees with Swipe.

I'm always looking for any content anyone would like to contribute for future issues, be that photos, fanart, collages, stories, poems, makeup tips, crossword puzzles, cosplay; anything that you think might be fun to include, send it my way!

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